I’ve a breathtaking idea

Harshad M
2 min readMay 10, 2020


Every product on Earth was invented to overcome a problem. When people confront a problem, the majority stop and search for alternatives and less settled solutions. Some people think applying this idea may solve this problem. But they’re not ready to apply.

And then comes those who are ready to push the limits. They are fascinated by those ideas and don’t want to miss the entertainment in building on it. Creative minds crave such entertainment. If it’s not catering to their creativity, this group will never spend much time and effort on it. Initially their mind goes through an aim-oriented flow of a combination of thoughts and imaginations. Which in turn leads to reality-oriented conclusions. Visualisation of the dots and connecting them are both time consuming events. The end product is non existential during their initial stages of thoughts. All they do is look for patterns.”Mark Zuckerberg first Facebook concept was to build a website for networking for Harvard students especially for programmers” Now you know what Facebook is doing.

So let me explain, What headline really means..

Yeah, I’ve a breathtaking idea.

I was a person used to listen music very much, some year’s back. I used to enjoy searching and finding good music that suits my taste. But things are not the same now. I have lost the connection that I had with music. The reason? I don’t have music that suits my liking. And searching for it has become a dreadful task. It’s hard to find songs from a huge collections like Spotify and all other music giants. Listening through endless playlists put together by so many different people to find that one piece of music that I like. Seriously it’s not a good deal. which is both very time consuming and boring. And most importantly I’ve got busy. And thus, I don’t have a good collection anymore even though I still really love music.

How do I solve this? Do I have an idea? In fact, I do and its breath-taking!

While searching for answers I realised I’m not alone on this one. To be honest, everyone who loves music is facing the exact same problem. How do I solve this problem? This question kept running through my mind every now and then for the past few years.

It took me a long time to be able to find the first and vital dot. Then came another one, and so on until patterns began emerging and I started connecting them to create a meaningful solution. If you are unable to find and connect the dots, please be patient. These connections are not made by looking forward. It is made by looking backwards.

To be continued.

